12/24/2024 Devlog - Christmas time!

Merry Christmas everyone!

It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been extremely busy with university studies for the past two months and haven't posted that much under the period, with I'd like to apologize for. However I'm here to ensure you that the game isn't dead and share some of the things we've been working on. Let's jump straight into it!

General Changes

Gallery Rework

Just as promised, the gallery has been fully reworked, with changing backgrounds and better tab organization.  Event sex scenes are now also featured!

Perma-Death removed

You may now grind the EXP for as long as you'd like as the perma-death mechanics for the enemies has been removed as requested. If you would want to revisit the naughty scenes outside the gallery you are now also free to do so! Now that I'm thinking about it, should probably also give an option to replay the boss battles.

New Areas

Don't want to spoil too much, but we've made some good progress on the level building, adding many new dialogues and areas. This is the bulk of the work we've been focused on, since most of what we wanted to add gameplay-wise in already there. As mentioned in the previous posts, I added secret areas to the levels for the fun of it!

Construction work site

11-Seven Interior

Concert stage

Mangrove entrance

Deep mangrove

Minor Visual Changes

Enemies and other entities now flash white when damaged. Among other things, projectile hit particle effects have been reworked. Particle effects in general, now use a different system which contributes to a better optimization.

Upgrade Menu Improvements

Smooth animations and value displays in the upgrade menu!

Art & Sexy Stuff

Changing Scene

Raki has finished up the changing scene in the beginning of the beach area.

Forest-Beach Transition Scene

He has also redrawn and rewritten the transition scene between two levels.

Cheeto doesn't like the attention :(

Animation Reworks

Something that I've been unhappy about for a long time are the animations (which practically are the cornerstone of the game lol). So we've sat down and finally standardized the animations in a way where they are both aligned with the style of the game and detailed enough to smoothly capture the movement.



Ramkal has been working on redrawing the current animations to be smoother and aligned with the established style. Hopefully, all of them will be ready until the upcoming release!


Sketches for the new enemies and characters.

Sound Design

New music themes / Ambience

3 new music themes for the new areas, events and boss battles. Additionally, expanded ambience for level immersion!

New Sex Sounds

Currently working on reworking the sex sound system, adding new sounds for variation and making it all fit together nicely.


Improved Bibi AI

Smarter Bibi AI now prevents her from getting stuck at obstacles as often!

Water Splash Audio Bug

Audio bug where you could sometimes hear water splash sound when you entered the level has been fixed.


Bug that occurred when two entities stood on top of you while you were in a sex scene. Upon escaping you would often fall down into the void. Now fixed.


A more challenging bug that we didn't have much luck tackling at the moment is control unresponsiveness on Android. It is both hard to reproduce it and find where it comes from, but there are suspicions it is linked to overall optimization of the game, which we will aim to improve in the future. 

Wouldn't want spoiling everything for you, so this is where I'm gonna end the post :") Before releasing the update, we would like to first fully finish the level, hope you guys understand. By my estimations, we will be done with it around January 🙏🙏

Bibi wishes you a merry Christmas!

Bibi wishes you a merry Christmas!!!

cred: @__fl4nfan

Thank you all for the continued support and patience, we will do everything to bring the best possible experience to you. Hope you all have a great holiday and a happy new year, until next time! <33

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you wrote that the update will be issued sometime in January. It's already February 6th. Can you please explain what your current problems are?






Muy bueno el juego, me encantaría que cuando lo terminen de desarrollar le hagan una traducción al español ya que me interesa saber lo que dicen los personajes


Great game! much more difficult with bibi around. she scared the life out of me when she leapt onto me


y'all putting so hard work in a porn game. but that's peak, continue doing good games


Guys please take the time to read the posts before commenting. The game hasn't updated yet and be patient, we dont want a rushed project


How to get the full game? My version is still 1.5.3


as far as i'm concerned the game hasn't updated yet, cuh.


I thought they already release an update or they just sent early access for Patreons


Everyone and the games owner says that we got a new update but for 3 months or 2 im stuck at 1.5.3? And in itch.io i also only see 1.5.3 where can i see or download new updates??

(1 edit) (-1)

Bro did you read the post? This is only to let people know what they're projects are, they didn't release the update yet


in their Twitter page they say they did release the new update and the gameplay looks nothing like mines even i completed the game


I don't find it, is the account cumbusters or another one?


another but i dont remember the name maybe try gamer struggles?


No I can't find it


when you wrote around january what did you mean by that? start of january, middle of january or end of january?




Do we have a date for the update release?


or even a rough timeframe?


Damn, I've never seen someone try so hard, thanks for that :), if you could provide support for other languages it would be good for other people to be able to follow the story.








I'm glad that youre still working on it, i think it's grat and it would be a shame if you gave up on it. But, of course you should take your time making progress.


I'm so excited to play (thank you for making such a great game for us to play) Merry Christmas to you too❤️❤️


is the update able to be played as of now?


I'm really excited for the next update, I hope you have a good time and a Merry Christmas :D!

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