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Great game


I'm no furry




No worries, this game isn't limited to furries.


it is a furry game tho. Still hot af(not a furry i swear:<)


this game is so GOOD , i wish u guys can update fast <3


im on Google Pixel 7A and its and android but when i downloaded game wasnt compatible...urghhhhhh i wanted to try it.


"Every character in this game fully consents to the sex acts"

Bullshit. Did a lawyer write that? If you're going to make a rape game, put a content warning, not a disclaimer denying it. Some people.


Go ahead and argue with Patreon lol


Could've at least put it on the page or at the very least used coded language. Sure it was profitable to lie in the game, but it wasn't profitable to "forget" on your itch page. 

"But what if Patreon staff read the page and sees there's a content warning?" What if some asshole reads the page and sees there isn't?


While I'm miffed too at the current lack of content warnings, you gotta understand, they have no business anymore if they go by the increasingly draconian ruleset designed to drive independent creators and small studios to the brink so institutional providers won't have competition anymore. If you know anything about capitalist business history, you'll see the patterns. What they can and can't do and still expect a return on their work is growing worse and worse by the day. Cut them some slack.


These rules weren't made to keep the little guy down. Nintendo is not afraid of a game about a catgirl getting raped. Capcom is not afraid. Rockstar is not even afraid. They are not worried about it eating into their market shares. I don't need to read Das Kapital to know that.


I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about a field that see's increased regulation so that the fruits of the patrolled field can be reaped by some company or other that has the right connections. Could be anything, so long as they play the DEI and ESG fields as prescribed by the institutional investors that control our entire economy. You can't watch the same thing happen in near to every sector in our economy and not suspect it reaches further. From medicine to military, newsrooms to payment providers. Increased regulations are paving the way for something else, most of the time.

(2 edits) (+3)(-3)

actually everyone arguing milkshake8910 is wrong and an ass they're literally right. if the game was made less profitable because it depicts rape then that's a blow you have to take as a creator choosing to depict rape. And even if the creator absolutely NEEDED all of the money they could possibly get and thus NEEDED to lie to patreon and itch in order to sell this game at all costs coded language in the description is literally the least you could do or a warning in the actual game. If you started playing a fun sexy platformer game and all of a sudden there was a surprising unexpected and sudden necrophilia scene when the description gives no hint of it you would be furious. Rape is under-fucking-standably triggering content asshole this isn't a moment to defend the move by quoting some marxian text.
Also there are literally niche fetish gaming sites where this could be advertised to to help boost the eyes and wallets on this game. Sites that literally exist to help minimize the income loss from being honest about the game contents.


like seriously I'm into hypnosis content I'm not a stranger to dubcon but I had zero idea this game had rape scenes. Thank heavens I read the comments because even I would probably have been triggered by it suddenly and  unexpectedly being a part of the game. Hell the amount of degenerates on Itch and the use of 4chan language obviously marketing the game to a specific demographic it probably would have been a selling point even. This is not actually defensible and it's not fostering a healthy community of cnc if you're exposing people to rape content without consent.


Damn imagine getting mad at porn game 💀💀💀


Damn imagine thinking people wouldn't be upset to find fucked up things unexpectedly in their porn. If you're literally so cum brained that porn content suddenly and unexpectedly introducing potentially triggering content wouldn't even phase you and then thinking your experience must be universal. If you were watching something on ph about femboy anal amatuer and all of a sudden it's a snuff film it would be pretty fucked up no??? Have you completely forgotten that rape is a very real and very violent act that actually happens to actual human beings and fucks them up for the rest of their life or do you believe you can cum directly into the cervix and everyone would secretly be okay with incest or some shit.Touch grass and seek therapy.


i do take therapy and touch some grass <3<3<3


 you're not sigma bro


Apparently some people also have the time to get angry at a porn game I guess


Oh yea sorry I'm not too happy when my gooning material has some bitch getting raped when the creator pinky-promised everything was consensual. And sorry that I'm just a little unhappy that porn is increasingly pushing people towards rape fetishism. And maybe I'm just a tad irritated when these furries have a whole fucking wholesome schtick when what their product is built on repackaging suffering as a fun outing. Call me fucking triggered. If only there was some kind of warning that could prevent that.


soft pussy play game then get mad why game write to get people like you not get mad 


all boils down to this


English motherfucker. Do you speak it?

I know people with a special interest in rape aren't known for caring for people other than themselves. Maybe some day in the future, people will realize that the only way to curtail this kind of behavior is by threatening them economically. But who knows? Maybe Patreon staff have the time to look at every single report. I doubt it.


you still understand it you fucker. being a bitch and kept doing it for attention is enough. 33 years old, mom basement living balding man getting mad at a fictional furry character being raped in a game is fucking sad have you disconnected from the world you little bitch . pulling of patreon out of your dick to scream and make a point about it. who the fuck give a shit 


Go to a dutch hostpital to clear that of your sad pathetic life.


Randomly search my username and saw this comment again, how have you been mate? Doing good?


And you say I'm wasting my time


A little hypocrisy never hurts anyone, no need for the sarcasm I'm just trying to chat


bro it fr aint that deep. its literally a bunch of pixels on a screen. It aint real.


on god she's just a cartoon, no cap.


One of the best demos of a porn game I've ever played. Very fun and I love the visuals. Can't wait for the full release someday!


Love this game, especially chiro, hope to see more soon!

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i imagine the full release will be paid right ? also will it still be available to download on ? is there a discord for this game ? 

ps : this is probably the only nsfw game that i don't play for porn . like every single time i see chiro i'm like 'if anything happens to her , i will kill everyone then myself' . i don't like chiro because she's hot , i like her because she's cute .


If you go to the left as soon as you can control the character you can climb the wall, fall out of bounds and fall for all eternity.






(1 edit) (-1)

Привет, я из России и мне понравилась твоя игра, но я нашёл один баг, не знаю видел ты его или нет, но если с разгона вбежишь в стену и начнёшь нажимать часто на прыжок, то персонаж начнёт взбираться по стене тем, что я смог выпрыгнуть из края карты


Es la primera vez que estoy genuinamente dispuesto a comprar un juego porno cuando salga a la venta


Author, I seem to have found a bug


The counter opposite Baixiong Pass can go up.


I hope you can see谢谢


This game is good, hopefully there will be an update soon.


Te explicado cómo vencer al jefe al principio el jefe ase un dahs para atacar te esquiva ese ataque y golpealo asta que an tes de que te ataque solo salta asiendo dahs sigue asi asta derrotarlo


The bear boss cannot be killed. its mechanics are too complicated for beginners, I downloaded the game and deleted it right at the moment with the boss.


it wasnt that hard


You probably did what I did. I ran through the game for the adult content and then at the boss had to actually figure out how to play. The boss is easily beatable. He has one attack. You have a dodge button. Figure it out, homie.

Guess you shouldnt have deleted it right at the moment of the boss, you should have tried a few times.


git gud


I just Play the Game For 2 - 3 Minutes and the game Start Lagging, is this Game Doesn't Support Android 10?




Is this going to be on steam in the future?


I love it so much,I can't wait for the next update, but I wish the intro scene had a different way to skip, I wanted to watch it but my screen times out on mobile, so maybe if it was a small option in the corner or something?


just change your screen settings instead. it should be in the tab labeled "Display" or "Screen".


Great job, nice graphics and animations, fluid gameplay...

It's the first furry related content that i liked xD

Deleted 194 days ago
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Belum ada full version,game ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan dan belum full game


Yes, reply to an English comment with an Indonesian comment, they definitely understand you




Doesn't exist yet bro is still making the game


bro did NOT use the minecraft font for everything and use the roblox manface for the sun


Its over 😔


We are so back


what happened


Are there any cheat codes cuz i play porn games for the porn not the gameplay (it is good tho i just suck:P)


There aren't cheats but if you're having trouble just dodge with x and run away. On the white bear level dash just after he has his hands up then hit him 1 time then run away and repeat


Thanks ig still probs gonna get boned (not in just one way)






Good game for a fighting one I even tested out the mobile version and both worked pretty well I gotta say you did well working on this I hope you complete the game so we can enjoy it even better


Why not in Chinese???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????












After the bear then what I want the gator for gallery

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Adding a note because I also would like to know


wish u complete the game

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

One of the best erotic games I've ever found on phone


Could you make a linux build pls ? This is only one option to check for you when compiling with unity and it helps a ton with compatibility.


Excellent story game. Please release the sequel and future version 


cool game but how do i get to the city?


How to get to the crocodile?


the second level is accesible via the patreon, the demo just has the first level


The game does not install on my Android 14 phone :(


Great visual style and feel, also; femcel is nice.

I give this game every4channersdream/10.


Good game in start. Please create a discord group. I want to share the bugs so that they can be fixed in the future.


There's already a discord group, but only for members of the patreon; just checked.

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