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Deleted 245 days ago



You can dash through him when he goes to attack and hit him when he's turned around, hope this helps!


I cant install the andrpid version on s24. Getting the error: app not compatible with your phone


what a sad friend, it’s an excellent game.


found a small bug, two Chiros are too many for this world


How can i restart from last save without going back to the menu? Im too dumb to discover it by myself T_T


por favor no lo hagas de paga :(


It's not free anymore hmmmm

;( "sad_face"


Is 0.1.2 gonna be public?


maybe bc its just like an early access in patreon



게임성: (8/10)

스토리: (5/10)

캐릭터: (7.5/10)




Будет крайне забавно. Если смочь оталкнуть врагов в розовую водицу, минимум 4 врагов самцов 2руки,рот, анс. И чуть больше если там будет присутствовать фем враг, или фута. Но пока на бетке нет взаимодействия с розовой водицей. Ждём 4 месяца или как оно там:) можно добавить механику "утех" если незаметно напасть на врагов если размер позволяет со спины дрчть самцам, мстбрть самкам, или заставить их делать тебе куни, если неожиданно прыгнуть на них. Своего рода фаталити:)


Учитывая немного тупеньких врагов, что иногда пинают "трупик" заместо того, чтобы его использовать... может быть сложно реализовать "фап-алити".


Для этого наверное будет какая-нибудь кнопка. Которая будет появляться в нужный момен. И принудительно включать ФАП талити...хотя как там анимации утех если гг застрелил лис, лис делает утехи, а затем приходит волк. Гиф пиксельные  анимации будут сложны, но вот gif comix анимации будут более сочны. Хотя да сложность и там есть ...анимировать картинки будет малость сложновато.:) спасибо за ответ


The best adult platform game I've ever played. I can't wait when the full version of the game comes out, because I want to see Chiro's further fate 😊


cant wait to see how the game turns out!

Tho the combat is a bit iffy and you can endlessly walljump off walls <W>


I can't defeat the bear. I see a person said I need to jump if the bear is 5 character away. And yeah, I got stunned and kept loosing every time. Can you please tell me ho wto defeat the bear?


Just use the "dash" (X button) to avoid his attack, keep distance, jump over him and attack if possible. [Google Translate, sorry]


I beat him by just running away from his far attack then i just hit him with all my energy then i ran away maybe got hit but if you do that again you should take his lives before he takes yours


from when i last played, dashing into the bear did one increment of dmg, so i just dodge-dmg'd the bear to death


skill issue


wall jump

the first place l jumped out of the map

and the other I was trapped in(hope you can fix it)


Why can't I be so lucky as to live in a house surrounded by horny werewolves ready to breed me at a moments notice >.<


hahaha.good idea


a little bit of feedback, the recovery time is a little long and leaves the player too sold, a couple or two milliseconds less would be a little fairer in my opinion, otherwise, I totally loved the game

(1 edit) (-1)

Something wrong.

Like this broken collision (wall jump).


I'm impressed


when is the update on Android 


she with glasses better in my oppoion


nice game


Fucking love this game


Feedback (for the demo version): 

- Make it possible to complete the text boxes from the intro sequence by pressing "K" (or something like that) instead on only having the choice to click to skip the entire thing.

- Make "Q" and "E" the attack buttons, that layout is more comfortable than having hem under the move buttons...

- It's possible to go out of bounds in the beginning of the game by hugging the wall on the left and continually jumping. Needs fix (you could simply put horizontal component/barrier to the wall so that it's impossible to jump forever)

- Once the player dies, give them the choice to either go directly to last save, or main menu, rather than only giving them the choice of going to main menu.

- Enemies killed after having saved the game don't respawn.

Otherwise it's a pretty cool game. Might consider supporting on Patreon!


Despite the fact that this is a demo, I’m pleased with the game, and I’m waiting for more opponents to appear in it, otherwise only 4 is... well, not enough...


I keep getting stun locked during the bear either I'm just missing something or I got deadass softlocked


Have you tried pressing space to get out of the stun?


yeah spamming the button but then I got defeated and had to redo the boss fight


just punch him a couple times then bait his attack and dodge through.


Your Hero Appeared🎺!

when the bear get close to you(about 5 your character's foot)press SPASE and you are the bear's back ,then kick him!(just for one and don't kick him many times a time.or you'll be trapped in energy loose)it's a stable way to beat him   keep your passion,it will take a long time😊


The bear didn't even touch me and I got stunned every time. I do just like you said, but still lost


every time you begin to do,and it will have a"ready move",I think you be faster next time.try it wishes

I regret what I said

Ok so I find it funny that your game didn’t last 20 seconds from start before failing my first bug test.

The wall on the left, right at the start, can be climbed by mashing the jump button and running into it, and you can walk over it off-screen and fall into the void, causing a softlock.

Is a rather normal issue in most plataformers to have. Try making it so the wall is not recognized by the game as a floor, altho it might by tied to the tile block that you maybe used as terrain too. If so, try making an invisible roof. Aditionally, you should add a death zone, so if you somehow get to bypass that wall anyways you don’t get softlocked.

(1 edit) (-2)

stand proud, you cooked


she's just like me FR FR!!!




Make horny water work in demo (android)


is not horny water its just very silly pink water

Deleted post

everythinggood but "ZX"controls sucks


awesome game


64 bits for Android please


Hi, I loved the game, I wanted to know if they plan to release it with a Portuguese translation? I loved the arts and the character s2


Hi, I have already asked the developer for permission to do this but it will only be translated when it is at a more advanced stage, it is still very early But there will soon be a Portuguese version


Hi, how do you unzip the game on Android? I have the version on the patreon and i cant unzip it


unless your phone has one built in you would most likely need an app to extract it


Really enjoying this game, love the 80s platformer feel


Cant install saying its not compatible with my android 


Then it's not compatible for your device... I don't know how to help you man...


I mean hell, I can't even play this because i'm on MacOS


Yeah what im saying is i download the android file and it didn't work yiu download a windows file on your MacOS and it didnt work


Sir, the difference here is that I'm aware I can't play this, while you downloaded the files, your device says it's incompatible for you even with correct files to run.
I know they haven't supported MacOS yet dude, I haven't downloaded shit, please don't assume what people have done, I'm just saying there's nothing much you can do complaining about it.
 I really don't know how anyone may help you in this situation, other than to tell you that your device just can't run the files.


i broke the game in the first minute...


Damn, i'm curious on how you did that


will the game be released in steam?


There will be a Steam version in the future, but for now it will be on Itchio for a while until the game is more complete and then released on Steam.

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