you will need to download the updated file extract and run it, keep or delete the old version as their may be something different in the older versions.
Great work, it would be even better if we could add animations of location switching and a review of Rusty's oral sex. Come on, author! Looking forward to updates
I did enjoy getting to try this game, but I guess I am not an expert enough platform gamer to get very far. I got stuck in the purple goo area after meeting the fry guy. I did manage to learn dash jumps and can finally sometimes get across the first set of double-platform towers and past the wolf, but then I'm hit by balls that follow me and boom, I'm starting the whole area again. Really wish this part was easier or I had a cheat mode to get me get past this to see the rest of the game, or wish I could save just before the guided missiles.
came on to leave this exact comment! this portion on android is rough. there should be an h scene in the purple goo triggered after a certain number of fails. the one time I made it over, got caught by the wolf, and a missile killed me mid scene 🥲
It's alright. It's another one of the "quirky indie platformer for incels uwu" type game, pretty easily recognizable by the glow overlay and chromatic distortion used.
The mechanics are good at first. You dash quick, movement is good. But, when you get hit, you get stunned for half a second for some reason? Useless feature.
The boss sucks. He has a random attack pattern, is way too quick, and if he hits you, he stuns you, so he hits you at least twice everytime he catches you. He also seems to be hitting you even when you're dashing above him. He has way too much HP for dealing 10 damage, and he does too much damage to you. It's not really balanced. When you're attacking, you have to wait for the animation to finish to do another action (like dashing), so before you can dash he will hit you.
Also, why is recharging dashes so slow? What's up with that? Especially considering how often they're used.
The environments look good, but the levels themselves have a weird design. On the beach stage, I had to wait some 3 millenia to jump on a surfboard, just to wait another 3 millenia to get off it.
I activated a CG scene in some hot dog place I think. Holy shit, I should have not. You can't skip the dialogue. The cringy ass dialogue. I'm pretty sure I permanently damaged my shift key trying to go through the dialogue as quick as I can, because no one reads that shit. Then, of course, the game bugged, and activated ANOTHER dialogue sequence, but I was not even near the NPC, and was dashing as I was pressing shift. Then after the dialogue, I could not move. Excellent.
Graphics: 22/35 Gameplay: 17/35 Animations: 14/35
Final: 18/35
It's pretty mid, nothing we haven't seen before really
Generally, it is very difficult to develop games for ios due to it not supporting 3rd party downloads. I would suspect this game will not release an ios edition.
Я чуть не разбил телефон из-за битвы с медведем кнопка (влево) почему то нажимаеться с задержкой. Ну и ещё авто поворот экрана не работает. Больше претензий нет... А хотя нет. Мало контента!!!!:) игра просто бомба, пусть бог хентая даст вам сил делать её дальше
О нет, надеюсь, с твоим телефоном все в порядке. Верно, дружелюбец. Пусть бог хентая благословит вас и ваш телефон, помогая вам закончить игру! Кстати, вы случайно не видели медведя?
Due to mac requiring a whole new file format (.dmg) a mac version will not release soon. However a version may be created after the full game releases. If you are running an older mac, it may be possible to install bootcamp to use .exe file types.
I think i got a minor bug, when i move either lefr or right and hit the jump button, the girl will keep on walking on the direction until i press the walking button again. Idk if this happens to anyone. Its just a minor bug tho not big of a deal.
← Return to game
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chiro is so hot ngl she is my type of women
midnight gospel fan deserve a chiro fr
I would probably get a random downvote if I put this message here :p
Anyways, great game overall. Keep up the good work, author! 👍
Man some people are absolutely going to down vote this to 💀
1+ up vote
I love how adorably shy she is... and I periodically had an "awww, oh honey." or "oh you poor thing." very nicely worded script.. i love thi
would play again, but definitely add a difficulty meter
I suck at games and it took me a handful of tries to complete
overall good game! :3
Imagine that they well add Hard core and merciless modes on the game 💀
So just a question for the updates, im on android, do i install the game again or go to my files and update it?
you will need to download the updated file extract and run it, keep or delete the old version as their may be something different in the older versions.
Got it thank you bro👍
this was fucking awesome please make more I love you
Great work, it would be even better if we could add animations of location switching and a review of Rusty's oral sex. Come on, author! Looking forward to updates
The boss is way to hard in my opinion. The main issue is that the dash can't interrupt your attack animation
Try dashing towards the boss and hit the boss 5 or 4 times then dash through the boss to dodge
You could just bait him to a wall than spam the attack button
some of his attacks can't be interupted
I would agree some of the boss attack can't be interupted
Ive successfully stunlocked him a number of times idk what yall are on about
That could work actually
skill issue
just bait smh
Currently struggling to run this on linux I added the game on steam which should work
Got it to work, I'd forgotten to tell it to launch with proton
if you use the itch app it can run in wine to run windows games on linux
when does the next update come out for the train and city area?
They did say it will come out in march
I was wondering how can I get in train or city I don't really know how so it will be nice if u guys tell me how🙂
There is no train or city (yet)
New update will be dropping soon enough, pretty sure the train and the city are gonna come in that next update
I did enjoy getting to try this game, but I guess I am not an expert enough platform gamer to get very far. I got stuck in the purple goo area after meeting the fry guy. I did manage to learn dash jumps and can finally sometimes get across the first set of double-platform towers and past the wolf, but then I'm hit by balls that follow me and boom, I'm starting the whole area again. Really wish this part was easier or I had a cheat mode to get me get past this to see the rest of the game, or wish I could save just before the guided missiles.
came on to leave this exact comment! this portion on android is rough. there should be an h scene in the purple goo triggered after a certain number of fails. the one time I made it over, got caught by the wolf, and a missile killed me mid scene 🥲
I love this game sm, i hope you update it soon♡♡
whupa gangman style eh sexy lady
I love this
Who's the wiseguy who keeps disliking every single comment in here? The only comment he haven't disliked was 16 days ago
It's alright. It's another one of the "quirky indie platformer for incels uwu" type game, pretty easily recognizable by the glow overlay and chromatic distortion used.
The mechanics are good at first. You dash quick, movement is good. But, when you get hit, you get stunned for half a second for some reason? Useless feature.
The boss sucks. He has a random attack pattern, is way too quick, and if he hits you, he stuns you, so he hits you at least twice everytime he catches you. He also seems to be hitting you even when you're dashing above him. He has way too much HP for dealing 10 damage, and he does too much damage to you. It's not really balanced. When you're attacking, you have to wait for the animation to finish to do another action (like dashing), so before you can dash he will hit you.
Also, why is recharging dashes so slow? What's up with that? Especially considering how often they're used.
The environments look good, but the levels themselves have a weird design. On the beach stage, I had to wait some 3 millenia to jump on a surfboard, just to wait another 3 millenia to get off it.
I activated a CG scene in some hot dog place I think. Holy shit, I should have not. You can't skip the dialogue. The cringy ass dialogue. I'm pretty sure I permanently damaged my shift key trying to go through the dialogue as quick as I can, because no one reads that shit. Then, of course, the game bugged, and activated ANOTHER dialogue sequence, but I was not even near the NPC, and was dashing as I was pressing shift. Then after the dialogue, I could not move. Excellent.
Graphics: 22/35
Gameplay: 17/35
Animations: 14/35
Final: 18/35
It's pretty mid, nothing we haven't seen before really
You talk like you have a lot of experience in these games how about you make one and let us test it out ourselves
are the others area for Patreon?
Blud found
The Android version has a problem with screen rotation, it's a minor detail and doesn't ruin the experience but it is a bit annoying.
bro, your art is amazing.I was delighting in her. your game have a high leve potetial. if you do another game, i will download him!
are there plans for an ios version?
Generally, it is very difficult to develop games for ios due to it not supporting 3rd party downloads. I would suspect this game will not release an ios edition.
Says not compatible with my phone :/ Pixel 7
Maybe the game is 32-Bit or not compatible with your CPU Architecture. Phones are different from PCs, since they use ARM, PCs use x86-x64.
in other words, you're a dumbass.
Hello, I would like to say that I really like your game. I have completed the demo many times. I am looking forward to the new update.
Seu jogo é uma obra de arte!
Um abraço do Brasil🇧🇷
Me impressiona eu não ser o único Br a jogar isso kakakkakakak
Tem brasileiro em todos os lugares kakakakaka
tem sim akakakakaka 🤡
how do you get to the city? i talked to the guy who has fries and i have tried all paths to my knowledge, i even went al lthe way back to the house
and yes i did try to go right from the fry guy but there was an impossible jump
i am on pc, windows
Here's a hint which a lot of player, including myself, missed. The tower is not one floor
Я чуть не разбил телефон из-за битвы с медведем кнопка (влево) почему то нажимаеться с задержкой. Ну и ещё авто поворот экрана не работает. Больше претензий нет... А хотя нет. Мало контента!!!!:) игра просто бомба, пусть бог хентая даст вам сил делать её дальше
Извини, я чуть не сломал твой телефон. Шучу, ублюдок, пошел ты на хуй. Пусть бог хентая благословит твою маму раздеться передо мной.
О нет, надеюсь, с твоим телефоном все в порядке. Верно, дружелюбец. Пусть бог хентая благословит вас и ваш телефон, помогая вам закончить игру! Кстати, вы случайно не видели медведя?
Make a mac version for this game.
Due to mac requiring a whole new file format (.dmg) a mac version will not release soon. However a version may be created after the full game releases. If you are running an older mac, it may be possible to install bootcamp to use .exe file types.
I think i got a minor bug, when i move either lefr or right and hit the jump button, the girl will keep on walking on the direction until i press the walking button again. Idk if this happens to anyone. Its just a minor bug tho not big of a deal.
Btw im playing the mobile version.
bro i dont think that this is supposed to happen
Author, when will it be updated?號
Blud what did I found 💀 💀
Is this a Easter egg?
Awesome game, is there a discord server bcs I can't seem to find it.
I think they only have Twitter idk
They do! It's a patreon only discord tho!! >.<
Why can't I upgrade stamina
Where can i buy the full game?
Its not out yet
Still on demo blud
Hey I updated the game but nothing changed do you know why this could be happening?
No update was completed, it was simply a state of the game.
My bad
It's ok