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We need the ability to go back and rencounter creatures without needing a new save file (I want to one shot the bear when im at endgame)


When will the next update be?




When update?

Deleted 91 days ago

nig what


coding tends to be time cosmbubing(i cant spell) so it'll probaly(I CANT SPELL) be 4 months for train level.. 

(i have about 1 hour of exprince coding.. so take my words with some salt)


Time-consuming, probably, experience (:D I gotcha bro)


when i launch game, it goes to are you 18+ then a small thing shows up very quickly and goes away then it just closes, or crashes? idk, how fix :(


interesting... very interesting. Let me guess, it's 90% porno?


more like 30%


More like 69%


Oh yeah, also the left button has insane input lag at random times.


In the newest Android build, there's a weird bug. Accidentally got fucked in the love juice pool, and now uh... while I'm still able to run around and all, I can't interact or attack, along with the enemies not attack me either. Best guess is that the game thinks I failed but I got out of it.




All of the Game was Good, but the only Problem for me only the Intro/Prolog Text was TOO fast and it's Skipped when I'm touch it maybe make it like the Dialogue would be Great. 


with one of the houses while using a controller, you can still move after interacting with it and this bugs the game plz fix this




aw hell nah


I came here as soon as I saw your video


the game is soo good i had to comment agen🤪


The only thing I ask for is Portuguese language then the game would be perfect. 


WHY THE F do you make the parkour IMPOSSIBLE after I went to the fries guy I didnt proceed anymore atleast add that we can save any time and any where because this really SUCKS


skill issue


Skill issue


My question, does the creator have a discord group for me to join?


As a Femcel gremlin i approve of this game~ =P 👍


You do know what genre of game this is and the type of men that come to this page right  ?


My friends list match true friends scare me ;-;" so uh..i think I'm good regardless from the people of the internet...i think... =//="


its my best game now. 11/10


10/10 game

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Sometimes the bunny girl won't do the sex "grapple" (got knocked down by her special). Then she is stuck and would not move at all.

got knocked by the special. Now she's stuck and doesn't attack anymore

I did 2 fresh runs where the first one is normal and the 2nd is bugged (the screenshot)

I had the same issue, though there is no bunny cg yet so its probably moot for now.


10/10 game!! i heart chiro


when is the update bro?


Give him time to develop 

He said he needs to rework some mechanics




Genuinely such a fun game <3 I think this is a new favourite of mine, I love Chiro so much she's so cute I can't wait to see more!


Este jogo está incrível 


na moral.. me casei com esse jogo kkkkk




would there be any anal scenes?


I love this, the animation, the Game it's parfect, but, i'm really want to see again the fries oral but Theres not a option in the menu like the sex escenes with the enemys


Great game! Though I did come across a bug on the Android version,while reaching the end (W.I.P) Area, I decided to go back to the beach and when getting onto the surf platform after I got teleported I somehow fell through the map, though it's easily fixable if I just went back to the main menu and load my previous save

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Good game. 10/10 gameplay, 10/10 Artwork, 10/10 in general.

(1 edit) (+3)(-5)

Could you nerf the Bear's HP to 100? He does too much damage and hes too quick to react to, and Chiro only does 5 DMG per hit so you have to do a near no-hit run just to get past the boss.

Edit: my dumbass didnt even think about using the upgrade system, I just beat it after upping my HP + ATK a little bit


Skill issue



(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

When one of my hands got wet, I realized that this game only requires one hand to play. That's really considerate.(Fryman’s CG can only be viewed once?)




The crab killed me 😭




More lesbian pls


I would pay for it on steam


I lost my shit when i saw that crab png dialogue in the beach level 


me too bro


It's nice to see this game is doing great progress. The new upgrade system is really cool, though I think Chiro is strong enough without it. I killed the bear boss and finished all areas without any upgrade. My personal highlight in the latest update is the escape mechanic. In my opinion, if Chiro gets caught by bosses, it should be harder to escape. The bunny girl is really hot and I'm glad to have her in the game now. Please make her more playful. I would love to see her interacting with these beach balls. For example you can make them punchable and when in range of a bunny girl she always prefers this target except Chiro comes too close to her. Maybe you can add a new mini game aswell where Chiro and the bunny girl are playing a ball game and if Chiro loses she needs to give up her virginity.

My full respect goes to the developer team! I always was looking for a mobile game like this and this one is really an unique gem. Thank you for the high effort and love you put into the game and its updates. I check for updates regularly with big excitement to see if there's something new. Keep going with this masterpiece!


I too, love femcels. Would love to see this finished! (And still be free 🥺)


the mobile controls kind of suck, and it doesn't allow my phone to auto rotate, for some reason my left move dpad doesn't work as intended, it sometimes stutters and pause while im trying to backpedal

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