Please PLEASE fix ya combat system! The animations don't flow into each other, you pause and can't MOVE when you attack for an entire half-second without any way to get out of the way, so you get hit no matter what. And there's no way to know the health of enemies or your cooldowns.
Basically, it's rage-inducing for anyone who doesn't have god-tier skills lol.
Holy shit I have so many bones to pick with this damn game. First off, The screen is really small and I can't see shit below me. Right now I'm only in the beginner stages and I keep falling into pits. The combat system is also really janky because the input lag is caused by the animations for your attacks being so long. I am STRUGGLING ON THIS FIRST BOSS because it is so hard to get used to these janky ass attack controls. The dodging is also really weird because I have to be facing the direction I want to dodge which is not great so please maybe fix that? It also feels like I am hitting the enemy sometimes but it just doesn't register for some reason? Also Maybe add more indications on when an enemy is going to attack? For example maybe like a slight flash of red or smth like a millisecond before they attack instead of when the attack animation starts. Idk just venting my frustrations bc of my skill issue but please take these into consideration.
Do you think you will ever add complete bad endings? Like scenes after the sex scenes and such where the bad ending just continues instead of a full on back to main menu. Essentially continuations of the bad endings? Like you get kidnapped by the tribe and you can escape for example, or something along those lines?
I like your idea of having continuing endings in the game. Maybe as secret ending that happens when certain conditions are fulfilled? The devs think about to add reencounters with bosses. In case Chiro gets kidnapped by the tribe she will rematch the bear boss. Depending on who will win there will be two different endings. If Chiro wins she is free (good ending). If the boss wins... well in this case we just can pray for her (bad ending).
Damn! You guys really do a great job on this. Now I'm even more hyped for the next update since we know what we can expect. There are so many great additions and improvements and holy shit, the new animation look so clean now! Please keep adding new features for the gallery! We got animations and CG's there and I hope we will see much more in the future as I can't have enough of this. In my opinion, there should be a gallery section for all music themes as well. One thing I'm not satisfied with is the layout for the buttons and the delayed input of the left arrow is really something that sucks. But I know you are already on it to fix this and I will wait for it patiently no matter how long it will take. At the end we will get an even more polished game that's worth waiting just a bit longer.
Mobile (Andriod) user here, I would like to inform you that the bear boss fight is very finicky. I already beat the game once I wanted a redo, when I reached the boss again my buttons didn't respond as quick as usual. The input was very late and the movement of Chiro and the bear itself are not as precise as it would suddenly move without any indication. I'm wondering how I managed to beat the boss for the first time. Welp, to to go back trying to beat the boss again.
P.S. I made an account just so I can comment! Hope I'm not rude, I really do look forward for your game. Love your works! I would willingly patiently wait for your updates!
I was testing the current android build, and it seems I cannot remap the Button to play on my Gamepad, it there a way to do it or only on the computer version?
I've also encountered an issue where if you get grabbed while in a pool of the pink water you fall through the map. And during the bear boss he grabbed me while i was down and i couldnt struggle to escape. I had to quit the game and restart.
I am playing on android, trying to use a Bluetooth Nintendo Switch Pro controller to play the game. However, only the left bumper works and all it does it dash. I can't even click through the starter dialog.
I have an idea if you click on the fox girl on the top right she takes off her clothes and then when hit it immediately starts the sex animation also no fighting it. (you already have a texture for no clothes right?)
Bag Report: when the Bunny girl knock me out she just does nothing and stand there also when I get up she is just standing there.
El juego es lo mejor,10/10,la verdad está muy bueno en todos los sentidos y la verdad espero que jamás acabe,el juego se puede poner difícil e incluso te puedes enojar por qué ya me pasó,pero después de un momento todo se supera y es muy rico todo
i like the game, but i would feel better about playing it if chiro just felt a little more loyal this is a bit of a big ask, but is there a way you can make a toggle that can disable all the h-scenes that can happen in gameplay, except between her and the fry salesman? they seem like a good pair, i would feel a lot better about playing it if that existed
How do i get past this parkour part after the guy that sells fries on the android version? I've tried and tried but there is nowhere to keep going, you'll aways just fall on the "love juices" lake thingy....
Interesting game, great art, not bad but, a little hard because of the controls. I know the game is still very early so I can't judge too much. I did enjoy some of it though.
For me the game was very good (it's difficult to find so creative developers like the owner of this project), but it still need some updates like new scenes or new enemies and maps (I know that making games is hard, but i don't want to lose so creative gamemaker like you)
I've never felt angrier using mobile controls. The controls are finicky and in the first boss fight, the bear's icon blocks the dodge button. If I could modify where the buttons were, I'd have much less of a problem. The game itself is pretty simple, and I like it, but the mobile version kinda sucks. I put up with half an hour of the buttons not responding. I'll try the PC version and try my luck there
One question, will this game have different love routes? or different endings depending on the actions that Chiro does? It would be quite interesting to see xd
Can I have a Thai translation please? Your game is really good, especially the graphics. If the full game is finished, I will buy it no matter how much it costs.
← Return to game
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非常好游戏 Love from darkest_ic
I hate crocodilf
Why? Because of personality or because of his attacks xd?
Personally I don't like him because of his personality
damn, finally someone who understands me, I don't like the character because of his personality, I only like him for his fighting technique
Please PLEASE fix ya combat system! The animations don't flow into each other, you pause and can't MOVE when you attack for an entire half-second without any way to get out of the way, so you get hit no matter what. And there's no way to know the health of enemies or your cooldowns.
Basically, it's rage-inducing for anyone who doesn't have god-tier skills lol.
When next update I really like this game
Looking forward to the next update and the next level game to much fun
💀 took me 4 trys to beat the boss
Holy shit I have so many bones to pick with this damn game. First off, The screen is really small and I can't see shit below me. Right now I'm only in the beginner stages and I keep falling into pits. The combat system is also really janky because the input lag is caused by the animations for your attacks being so long. I am STRUGGLING ON THIS FIRST BOSS because it is so hard to get used to these janky ass attack controls. The dodging is also really weird because I have to be facing the direction I want to dodge which is not great so please maybe fix that? It also feels like I am hitting the enemy sometimes but it just doesn't register for some reason? Also Maybe add more indications on when an enemy is going to attack? For example maybe like a slight flash of red or smth like a millisecond before they attack instead of when the attack animation starts. Idk just venting my frustrations bc of my skill issue but please take these into consideration.
Do you think you will ever add complete bad endings? Like scenes after the sex scenes and such where the bad ending just continues instead of a full on back to main menu. Essentially continuations of the bad endings? Like you get kidnapped by the tribe and you can escape for example, or something along those lines?
I like your idea of having continuing endings in the game. Maybe as secret ending that happens when certain conditions are fulfilled? The devs think about to add reencounters with bosses. In case Chiro gets kidnapped by the tribe she will rematch the bear boss. Depending on who will win there will be two different endings. If Chiro wins she is free (good ending). If the boss wins... well in this case we just can pray for her (bad ending).
Damn! You guys really do a great job on this. Now I'm even more hyped for the next update since we know what we can expect. There are so many great additions and improvements and holy shit, the new animation look so clean now! Please keep adding new features for the gallery! We got animations and CG's there and I hope we will see much more in the future as I can't have enough of this. In my opinion, there should be a gallery section for all music themes as well. One thing I'm not satisfied with is the layout for the buttons and the delayed input of the left arrow is really something that sucks. But I know you are already on it to fix this and I will wait for it patiently no matter how long it will take. At the end we will get an even more polished game that's worth waiting just a bit longer.
What is the estimated time for the next update, and when the update is released, will it already have an Android version?
I think the update will most likely come out in a 1-3 months and i would expect at most a 2 week delay on an Android version.
Mobile (Andriod) user here, I would like to inform you that the bear boss fight is very finicky. I already beat the game once I wanted a redo, when I reached the boss again my buttons didn't respond as quick as usual. The input was very late and the movement of Chiro and the bear itself are not as precise as it would suddenly move without any indication. I'm wondering how I managed to beat the boss for the first time. Welp, to to go back trying to beat the boss again.
P.S. I made an account just so I can comment! Hope I'm not rude, I really do look forward for your game. Love your works! I would willingly patiently wait for your updates!
I was testing the current android build, and it seems I cannot remap the Button to play on my Gamepad, it there a way to do it or only on the computer version?
I've also encountered an issue where if you get grabbed while in a pool of the pink water you fall through the map. And during the bear boss he grabbed me while i was down and i couldnt struggle to escape. I had to quit the game and restart.
I am playing on android, trying to use a Bluetooth Nintendo Switch Pro controller to play the game. However, only the left bumper works and all it does it dash. I can't even click through the starter dialog.
I don't believe controler is fulled or even partially supported on android yet.
I have an idea if you click on the fox girl on the top right she takes off her clothes and then when hit it immediately starts the sex animation also no fighting it. (you already have a texture for no clothes right?)
Bag Report: when the Bunny girl knock me out she just does nothing and stand there also when I get up she is just standing there.
El juego es lo mejor,10/10,la verdad está muy bueno en todos los sentidos y la verdad espero que jamás acabe,el juego se puede poner difícil e incluso te puedes enojar por qué ya me pasó,pero después de un momento todo se supera y es muy rico todo
Uno de mis juegos favorito<3
Aparte que buena historia, buena trama
i like the game, but i would feel better about playing it if chiro just felt a little more loyal
this is a bit of a big ask, but is there a way you can make a toggle that can disable all the h-scenes that can happen in gameplay, except between her and the fry salesman?
they seem like a good pair, i would feel a lot better about playing it if that existed
Land on the platforms on the wood. Then jump and dash onto each one.
omg thanks i had the same issues, i think those platforms need to be way more noticeable
I really like this game: how it's written, the drawings, the gameplay and all. Waiting for the next update. Keep it up with the good work
Game so good I have to leave a comment, I really liked this game and I hope the new update drops soon
pd: there's some issue with the phone rotation in the game, hope it gets fixed
yea true, i can't rotate the game either
Quedé muy sorprendido por este juegaso espero que pronto allán más actualizaciones
bro , when the new update out , and can i player for some games like this ?
Interesting game, great art, not bad but, a little hard because of the controls. I know the game is still very early so I can't judge too much. I did enjoy some of it though.
When is the next update 😫
For me the game was very good (it's difficult to find so creative developers like the owner of this project), but it still need some updates like new scenes or new enemies and maps (I know that making games is hard, but i don't want to lose so creative gamemaker like you)
I've never felt angrier using mobile controls. The controls are finicky and in the first boss fight, the bear's icon blocks the dodge button. If I could modify where the buttons were, I'd have much less of a problem. The game itself is pretty simple, and I like it, but the mobile version kinda sucks. I put up with half an hour of the buttons not responding. I'll try the PC version and try my luck there
Mobile controls was very easy, so developer balanced it (I think), but it still eazy to defeat boss, you just need to upgrade your hp or damage
The controls are simple, yes. They didn't register when I clicked on them. I tried the game on my PC, and I enjoyed it. It's pretty cool
Big problem. The gameplay is too good I'm addicted 😭
One question, will this game have different love routes? or different endings depending on the actions that Chiro does? It would be quite interesting to see xd
Can I have a Thai translation please? Your game is really good, especially the graphics. If the full game is finished, I will buy it no matter how much it costs.
Is it just me wondering when the next update will come???
literally me, (old account name, I'm a girl now)
This game is so good that even the female audience loved it xd (I mean it, there are female fans)
The day EDITHF stopped asking for Korean translation is the day the earth explodes
aw man
I need Korean translation, please
The game has a problem with the auto rotate in Android
You should add more scenes for multiple enemies on how they take you down. Also some threesome scenes would be nice. ;]