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The game says "A/D or left/right" but only one works at a time. Why not make both work by default? I'd suggest adding an extra hotkey choice, even if it's just for the movement.

Also, it feels like the controls are meant to be one-handed (for understandable reasons) but the default setup makes combat very unnatural. Plus, unless I'm missing something, I have to use the mouse anyway to click on menu items. The ability to navigate menus and select choices with keyboard would be incredibly useful.

Finally, I'd like to repeat another suggestion and say that difficulty options (maybe even simply an infinite health or stamina mode) would make the game much more enjoyable and accessible to more people.

Overall, the concept is really interesting, and I'd love to see this be successful.


I got kicked for the same reason 😭

有中文吗/Do you have Chinese?


Please make Korean


Why did my dad abandon me?


You are too much playing video games, And your dad told you to search for boyfriend,So did you?

can you please fix the controls?


Could you add Difficulties for the game? I am not that good at the boss fight

How long until it updates to the beach?

love pool is soooo buggy rn lmao

heya, DSNR here again, i want to "report" another bug in which when you go to left or right with the love pool effect and press Z to see the scene while moving, after pressing "end", u will automatically go left or right and you can never stop, u can also speed up the walking speed by pressing left or right again when moving into the certain direction u pressed Z on

(1 edit)

heya, DSNR here, i wanted to "report" a bug, which when you die with the love pool effect on you and press Z to see the scene, there's a "gameover CG" which when you click it, it fades ur screen to black and you can't do anything about it.

I apologize for the huge text I wrote about my first impression of Gamer Struggles (NSFW), I really enjoyed playing it because it reminded me of my childhood where most games were platform games like: Super Mario, Metal Sulg, Megaman and so many other games of this style.

This game is very good for its simplicity, very easy to learn the controls and concepts of the game. I believe that this wonderful game will have an excellent future.

The image above shows one of the bugs I witnessed, the bug occurs when you are in the aphrodisiac state and press Z while jumping over an area that drops off the map. The other bug is that you start running in one direction infinitely, having to restart the run.

General audio: 8 (it was relatively low on my cell phone)

Art: 10 (lacks a bit of fluidity in the movement of enemies and the player as well)

Gameplay: 7.5 (enemies and the player can be paralyzed by a blow and lose 3 seconds, which leads to the death of the player against the “miniboss” Bear or leads to the death of wolves and foxes against the player, it lacks a little fluidity.)

Remembering that this is just my opinion about my first few minutes playing the game and I am also a player mobile that has a Samsung A02s which is a relatively weak cell phone for 2024. I hope that the developers can take my comment as constructive criticism and make this game better, after all this game has a lot of potential to explore.


love this game but jesus christ i am TIIIRREDDD of getting FUCKED BY THE BEAR


I cant install the andrpid version on s24. Getting the error: app not compatible with your phone

what a sad friend, it’s an excellent game.


found a small bug, two Chiros are too many for this world

How can i restart from last save without going back to the menu? Im too dumb to discover it by myself T_T

por favor no lo hagas de paga :(


It's not free anymore hmmmm

;( "sad_face"

Is 0.1.2 gonna be public?

maybe bc its just like an early access in patreon



게임성: (8/10)

스토리: (5/10)

캐릭터: (7.5/10)



Будет крайне забавно. Если смочь оталкнуть врагов в розовую водицу, минимум 4 врагов самцов 2руки,рот, анс. И чуть больше если там будет присутствовать фем враг, или фута. Но пока на бетке нет взаимодействия с розовой водицей. Ждём 4 месяца или как оно там:) можно добавить механику "утех" если незаметно напасть на врагов если размер позволяет со спины дрчть самцам, мстбрть самкам, или заставить их делать тебе куни, если неожиданно прыгнуть на них. Своего рода фаталити:)


Учитывая немного тупеньких врагов, что иногда пинают "трупик" заместо того, чтобы его использовать... может быть сложно реализовать "фап-алити".


Для этого наверное будет какая-нибудь кнопка. Которая будет появляться в нужный момен. И принудительно включать ФАП талити...хотя как там анимации утех если гг застрелил лис, лис делает утехи, а затем приходит волк. Гиф пиксельные  анимации будут сложны, но вот gif comix анимации будут более сочны. Хотя да сложность и там есть ...анимировать картинки будет малость сложновато.:) спасибо за ответ


The best adult platform game I've ever played. I can't wait when the full version of the game comes out, because I want to see Chiro's further fate 😊

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